Before the Reno - A Maiden Voyage!

While I was slaving over all those bricks in the back yard, we decided that a maiden voyage was in order. After all, the camper was dried out and it would be the last chance to actually try it out for quite a while. So Dash and I cleaned it out as much as we could and just took the camper without water or propane. We were so used to tent camping that it was going to be glorious just as it was.

A few vintage type accessories would have to suffice. And here's the thing about the name. The Camper is a 1972 South Park. See the Kenny key fob in the background? The previous owner named it Kenny. But we wanted to get rid of all the orange and shake the dead Kenny vibe! For now it's it's just Ye Olde Camper. We're working on it.

I did strip and clean the old foam pads. The cost to replace them all was over $400.00. I have to do this reno for the least amount of money possible. So re-use, recycle as much as I can.

Found this great fabric at Fabricland to cover the foam pads for the dinette and the back couch/bed. Not a great photo - but the top ones are a lovely teal/sea foam vinyl and the bottom are a country yellow with light plaid print. Durable and wipe able/washable with built in zippers. So glad for my seamstress skills. Thanks Mom!

We planned a trip to Cultus Lake with our best camping pals. That's their Camper Van conversion called The Bluebird. It was June 10th and not very warm. We had a lot of rain, swam in a 15 degrees Celsius lake and the camper leaked. It was like sleeping inside a muffled tin drum!

A very cozy camper it was regardless. I just love this photo of Dash sound asleep after a rainy night. Will I miss those old bamboo curtains? Maybe, but I can't wait to get all the water-damaged wood out of the camper and make it our own.